Pastor Brian and Wendy Smith have been involved in campus ministry for over three decades. Both Pastor Brian and Wendy were impacted by the Gospel in their college years, and since that time, they have had a passion to help college students find and follow Jesus, walk in freedom and live on mission. Since starting the church back in August of 2004, their vision has been to see students connect and mature in a dynamic Christian community.
We tailor our strategy to reach students around solving the three main problems we’ve identified on college campuses.
Very few freshmen realize how important their first 72 hours at college will be. Anxious to connect and desperate to belong, students are driven to meet these needs any way necessary. The decisions students make their first 72 hours can determine the trajectory of their entire college career, most often leading them away from Jesus. This is something every freshman experiences, and we call it: The Battle to Belong.
Hope Church Movement has a strategy to connect with students, starting within the first 72 hours students arrive on campus, by inviting them to belong to our community through authentic relationships and impact events. Our goal is to meet half of the freshman class within the first six weeks of school.
Most people think Christians are boring, not relevant, not fashionable, not funny, and not intellectual.
We host events that captivate the hearts and minds of college students - impact events like Survivor Weekend, Men vs Wild, Pink 2 Purpose, Manhood 101, Be Beautiful, the Alpha Course and more.
Survivor Weekend
Survivor Weekend
College students want to have fun and make friends fast, so we host Survivor Weekend where students across the southwest form tribes and experience a weekend of music, camping, and competition.
According to Barna, Gen Z is the least Christian generation in American history, with only 4% holding a Biblical worldview and 35% considering themselves atheist, agnostic, or not affiliated with any religion.
We believe the best people to reach college students are college students. So we train and equip students to clarify the Gospel by leading Gospel Appointments, where they share their story and the Gospel Story.
We believe Hope Church Movement is called to fulfill the Great Commission on college campuses and their surrounding cities.
We help people find and follow Jesus, walk in freedom and live on mission.
We’re a
collegiate-focused church planting movement
Which means we’re all about reaching and discipling the next generation on college campuses.
97% of people who become Christians do so before the age of 30 years old.
* We have a tremendous opportunity to change the culture, and our goal is to plant ten church sites by 2030.
“In my 30 years of higher education, I’ve never seen a ministry reaching a campus like this.”
Former Associate Vice President ASU Business Services
“Anytime I want to invest or I want to give generously to an organization or to a ministry, the biggest question I ask is this, are they making a difference? And I can absolutely say yes when it comes to Hope Church. They are reaching thousands of students with the love and the hope of Jesus Christ.”
Senior Pastor, Pure Heart Church
“As parents of three sons in college, it has been amazing to see the passion our boys have for the Hope Church community. To have peers who have befriended and mentored our boys during their college years has been life-changing.”
Hope members & parents of Hope student members
“In order to impact the next generation, we must interrupt the current trends and social dysfunction. Hope is reaching and training new leaders who will reset our culture and transform our community.”
Executive Director, AZMen
We need you to help us reach the incoming freshman class. Because it takes all generations to reach the next generation on college campuses.
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