We want to help you become the leader God's called you to be, and we have three easy ways to get started!
It all starts here because success happens in the local church. Come and see who Jesus is, learn His Word and connect with other believers.
Henry tells his story of how Jesus has impacted his life through a church community.
The Christian life isn't meant to be lived alone. See your need for others and join a Connect Group. You'll own your faith by learning God's Word weekly. We have Connect Groups for students, city members and married couples!
Zuleyma describes how she was impacted by weekly Connect Groups.
Once you've experienced Hope and have gone through the Growth Track, your next step is to do the work and serve on a team. This is a great way to begin your leadership journey. Many of our city members have said serving on a team has helped them succeed in their careers. We have seven teams at Hope to serve on and we have a place for you.
Alex shares how serving on a team changed his life.