No matter where you’re at in life, you’re welcome at Hope Church!

Normally, we meet on Sundays at 10:30am MST at the NAU Du Bois Center (306 E Pine Knoll Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86011).

Over the summer, we’ll meet at White Dove Coffee (2211 E 7th Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86004).

Our service lasts about 90 minutes.




Dynamic Worship: We have fun and get loud when we worship God.

Relevant Message: Pastor Brian Smith examines real issues like leadership, campus life, friendships and dating.

Authentic Community: We value telling stories, so each Sunday you'll watch a Campus Changer film.

Hope Kids: Hope Kids is available right after worship. Infants to children through 12 years are welcomed.

What to wear: Come dressed casually and comfortably.